Blog Post 2: Violence in Cartoons

Posted: February 5, 2014 in Uncategorized


Violence has always played a huge role in the animation industry. Violence has been portrayed in the forms of humor, horror, and relief. Audiences usually feel relieved after watching a violent scene where the hero puts the villain in his right place. Different types of violence in animation has been suited for different kinds of audiences.

Kids love to watch Popeye The Sailor Man, where Popeye beats up Bluto and saves Olive. ImageThe violent fights between Popeye and Bluto after Popeye eats spinach have inspired many children to eat spinach and fight for women in any circumstance. This show would have been useless and boring if it wasn’t for the short violent scenes between the two characters.

ImageOther great shows include violence in different ways. In the animated show The Road Runner Show, Wile E. Coyote attempts numerous violent ways to capture the Road Runner using dynamite, guns, cannons etc. Tom and Jerry also have an infinite amount of violent scenes where the two characters use various means to fight, trap, or escape each other. This is what makes the show highly entertaining and humorous.

Violence in animated shows has always played different roles in different scenarios. Animated shows rated for mature audience involves more gruesome violent scenes, whereas animated shows for kids involve violent scenes that are either humorous or un-alarming. This is why violence in some of the animated shows enhances the entertainment for the viewers.

  1. luckybrendan says:

    YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! duude i LOVE this pix mang!! yo this is SUCH an awesome blog post. its got errors for sure, but it speaks truth.

  2. So, I stopped to read this because you had a Tom and Jerry picture, and that is by far my favorite cartoon. And reading your blog I liked it because it gave a nod to most of my favorite cartoons like Popeye and The Road Runner. But reading it I was thinking maybe violence is just an intrinsic like that humans have. People enjoy wrestling, MMA fighting, boxing, and competition in general. We all like to see an underdog win or just simply enjoy sitting on the edge of our seat to see who is going to get the upper hand and how. I suppose violence is just a way in which competition manifests, considering a more loving approach would have little to compete about. And in cartoons, they tend to have an exaggerating feature about it. We all know that spinach is going to get us swelled up but it teaches kids to eat their vegetables. But definitely interesting topic.

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