Blog post 6:The Legend of Korra

Posted: March 5, 2014 in Uncategorized


The Legend of Korra is an American animated series which is a sequel to the series Avatar: The Last Air Bender. The series portrays fictional characters where some are able to bend or manipulate the elements of nature (water, air, fire and earth). Only the character ‘Avatar’ has the ability to bend all four elements  whereas the ones who are able to bend can only bend one of the element. The main goal of  the ‘Avatar’ is to master all four elements in order to maintain balance in society.

The Legend of Korra, showed true colors of animation with high definition contrast and amazing color ratios. The animation seemed very pleasing to the eyes as compared to Avatar: The Last Air Bender. As far as the story goes the writes did a remarkable job with building character detail and in depth interactions of each and every character among each other.  Avatar: The Last Air Bender involves a great story with an amazing theme and is mostly suitable for all kinds of audiences. However, The Legend of Korra’s story deals with characters which are suitable for more mature audiences.

The Legend of Korra season 1, did have an amazing story line as compared Avatar: The Last Air Bender. However, The Legend of Korra season 2 did not have a very pleasing plot and was extremely disappointing. The problem with this season was that the writers focused more on the romance between the characters than the actual plot itself. This made the show seemed too mainstream and extremely boring.  Therefore Avatar: The Last Air Bender is overall a better show than The Legend of Korra.

  1. Eric Baker says:

    I have to agree with you The Last Air Bender was the better show overall. But, I think that if they were to shy away from the romance aspect of Korra then maybe it would have ended up being a better show. I mean after all this is a kids show. But there have been a wide range of shows that have had a romance factor like Korra, but I don’t think it was really needed.

  2. luckybrendan says:

    Yo! I disagree. I do not believe a movie can have a good story line and an unpleasant plot (as stated in your concluding paragraph). Please explain more. though I do agree with you that romance in animation is rather unpleasant.

  3. vcurcho says:

    I disagree that The Legend of Korra had a better storyline than Avatar: The Last Air Bender. Korra had a lot of potential to be amazing but failed. Like you said they focused too much on the weird love triangle subplot than the actual story. To be fair to the writers they only expected one season. Suddenly they have another season to write. They try to cram in so much story plot but fail to balance it with the romance part of the story. I think that’s why The Last Air Bender succeeds in being the better show. They understood that the actual plot was more important than the romance and appeals to a greater age range.

  4. melanielaird says:

    I can agree and disagree with a couple of your points regarding each show. Avatar: The Last Airbender definitely stood up to the plate and introduced a new style of animation, complete with an impressive color palette and vivid character movements, to a young audience. The themes and messages of the show were heartfelt and strong, and were ideal for a variety of audiences. However, the original series was not equipped to deal with the darker, more mature themes that appear in The Legend of Korra. This sequel series is different, but not necessarily in a bad way – it just depends what a viewer is looking for in a television show. Korra deals with a completely new environment, transitioning from a more rural area to a bustling steam-punk city. The show, especially the first season, touched on darker political themes and developed characters suited to older audiences. The second season, in my opinion, wasn’t bad. It was able to introduce more information and thoughts about spirituality and highlighted the pressures/flaws of society, which I thought was a great addition to the overall story. Yes, we could have done without all of that pointless romance, but I think Korra still has potential to become more like its predecessor. Both shows are great in their own way, but The Legend of Korra still has a long way to go if it wants to get on level with the original series.

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