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From the Marvel superhero comics, X-men Evolution is an american animated series which portrayed amazing graphics and animation theme. Each character has amazing detail in the story line as well as in animation. The main plot of the series is that the mutants who have other natural abilities than the rest of the humans are hated by the humans. The mutants are split into various groups, some seek salvation and cure, some wish to work towards having peace among the humans and mutants, and some believe that all humans should die and work towards killing the rest of the humans. Of the animated series I’ve watched X-men Evolution is the only animated series that has challenged me to not judge others by the way they appear or the things they do. 

Many humans in this series judge all the mutants the same way based on some of the things certain mutants did in a negative way. Some mutants often created chaos and this lead other humans to believe that all mutants created chaos. Mutants were often treated badly even the nice ones, and there came a time with the humans wanted to exterminate all the mutants. By watching this series I realized that I have been generalizing and judging a lot of people by their looks and their nature. It was very wrong of me to do that. Which is why in my heart I was convinced to change and become a better person and not judging others. 

Post #12: What Have I Learned From This Class?

Blog Post 11(Revised for Final): History as Animation – Schoolhouse Rock

#6 The Rise of Interactive Animation

Post #12: Eight Crazy Reasons This Animated Holiday Film is the Worst

Post 6: Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Mid-Term Post(Post 1.2)

#5 – Economics of animation

#5 – Economics of animation

Blog Post 11(Revised for Final): History as Animation – Schoolhouse Rock

Blog Post #10: Quest for Camelot

Blog Post 9: The Downside of Increased Access

Blog Post 12: History as Animation – The History of Music

9. Will Anything Beat The Nightmare Before Christmas?

[MIDTERM]Post #6 REVISED: Disney Sequels. Necessary or Unnecessary?

I finally saw Frozen

Random blog post — Disney scruff?


Blog Post #5: Working Towards the Pride Leader

Post #3: Fullmetal Philosophy


Blog Post #12: Death Note

Posted: April 30, 2014 in Uncategorized


Death Note focuses on a character named Light Yagami, who is a very intelligent student. He comes across a note book called DeathNote which was dropped into the human world by a death god. Anyone whose name is written in this notebook will die. With the help of this notebook Light tries to create a new world where he punishes all the criminals by writing their names on the DeathNote and killing them. At this point people are afraid, and the detectives work hard to catch the vigilant behind the mass murders. Of the Japanese animations I’ve watched DeathNote is one of the best shows with the worst ending.

The entire show Light proves to the world that he is the smartest of all and does reduce the crime rate just by sitting behind a desk. He cleverly tricks people into thinking that he wasn’t the one behind all the killing and portrays himself as a regular hardworking student. He even manages to kill one of the smartest detectives without a doubt. In the last few episodes new characters were introduced and they manage to catch Light in no time. In the last episode is just seemed as if the writers got really tired of keeping the show well organized and decided to kill off Light in the end. The last episode was just completely out of context to the entire show and had a typical mainstream ending ruining the entire show. How could Light Yagami so easily be defeated by two characters and overcome his smartness in such a short period of time?

Blog Post #11: Beyblade

Posted: April 30, 2014 in Uncategorized




Beyblade is a Japanese Manga animated series in which people battle their special high spinning tops against each other. Some of these tops posses sacred beasts which enhances the Beyblade’s power. The show usually focuses on a blading team consisting of four members who strive to become world champions. However, the main focus is towards their difficulties and hardships they face before the world championship tournament. Of the animated shows I’ve seen, Beyblade is the only anime that I’ve watched that I could relate to. I specifically could relate to the character Kai and the way he faced different circumstances in his life.

Kai is a very strong, powerful blader and his goals are fixed. He has tremendous potential and good discipline. However there was a period of time when he possessed the strongest Beyblade along with the sacred beast, which made him arrogant and prideful. Though he had those qualities, his friends encouraged him to become a better person and helped him overcome his pride and arrogance. In the same way as Kai I’ve had fixed goals and have been very arrogant in my life, but I’ve have wonderful friends who have helped me overcome this situation. They have always been on my side and made me into a better person. After seeing Kai as a character I’ve realized that these characteristics are normal and one who possesses these characteristics needs help, and I will always be there to help them.


Transformers: Armada is an American/Japanese mix animated series which was showed around 2002-2003. This show talks about two groups of transformers named Autobots and Decepticons from the planet Cybertron. On this planet a war takes place between Autobots and Decepticons, where Decepticons try to seize power of mini-cons (small robots that enhances the power of a transformer when attached). The goal of autobots is to take care of mini-cons and protect them. During this process the mini-cons are sent to the planet earth for their safety, so the Decepticons  go after them to the planet earth, and Autobots are forced to follow them and fight them. But now the Autobots’ goal is to not only protect the mini-cons but to also protect the humans. Of the animated series I’ve watched, the Transformers: Armada is the only show that has inspired me to be sincere with my work.

 The character of Autobots have always been sincere with their work, they have always fought the evil and always protected the ones who are innocent. They were able to understand the nature of the humans and mini-cons and realized that they were meant to be saved and protected. This characteristic of Autobots inspires me to be more like them, and every day I strive to help the human mankind and protect the animals as much as possible.

Blog Post 9: Samurai Jack

Posted: April 2, 2014 in Uncategorized




Samurai Jack created by Genndy Tartakovsky was one of the most popular american animated series shown on cartoon network. This show talks about a samurai warrior named ‘Jack’ who gets sent to the future by an evil force named ‘Aku’. Aku was a demonic wizard who was trying to take over a kingdom. During this time period Samurai Jack almost defeats Aku however, before Jack is able to do that, Aku casts a spell and sends him to the future. Now Jack’s main goal is to return back to past and restore his kingdom. Of the animated cartoons I have watched in cartoon network, Samurai Jack is the most disciplined of all because he is the only character that has challenged me to never loose my patience and maintain my discipline.

In order to be a good samurai one has to go through vigorous training. Samurai Jack being highly patient and determined to become a great samurai, manages to achieve his goals by never loosing faith in himself and humanity. He always fights evil and always helps others. No matter how frustrated times can be, he never looses his temper when it comes to helping others. This character of his inspires me because, there are times when I get frustrated and I don’t help my friends when they need me. However, after watching this show I try to be more like Samurai Jack because, doing so I not only help a lot of my friends, but I also develop a lot of patience and maintain a good discipline. 


Based on the Chinese legend Hua Mulan, Walt Disney Feature Animation produced the Disney movie Mulan. This movie takes place during the Han dynasty, where a young girl disguises herself as a man in order to take place of her father to fight the invading Huns. Shan-Yu is portrayed as an evil character in this movie, where he is the ruthless leader of the Huns. Of the Disney movies I’ve seen Shan-Yu is the most ruthless of all, because he is determined to conquer the entire country China by any means. 

Shan-Yu along with his army, managed to climb over the great wall of China and invade the Chinese. During this invasion, Shan-Yu, did not show any mercy to any of the Chinese people. He felt no fear and no hesitation to take someone’s life. He sometimes killed people for fun. Just by looking at Shan-Yu’s face, one could treble with fear. This character of Shan-Yu makes him the most ruthless and violent of all. But of course, evil has to be put in its right place, and Mulan (with a lot of courage and patience) is the one who finally takes down Shan-Yu at the end of the movie.  



The Little Mermaid is one of the most popular Disney animated movies of all time. This movie talks about a young princess mermaid who is eager to attain human soul and give up her identity as a mermaid after falling in love with a human prince. Ariel is that young mermaid who falls in love with a prince. Though the young princess Ariel is a mermaid, she finds a way to attain legs. However, in return she has to pay a hefty price, which was to give up her voice. Of the Disney movies I have seen, The Little Mermaid is the worst influential movie for teenagers because it portrays a scenario where a person can disobey her father and yet have everything worked out well towards the end. I specifically disagree with the fact that Ariel’s father in the end realizes Ariel’s true love for the prince is a good deed.  

Ariel disobeys her father word and makes childish decisions on her own. Eventually she faces lots of trouble in her life, but somehow manages to end up doing fine towards the end. Due to this very reason many teenagers these days think that it is good to disobey their parents when they are immature, and still have a good life in the end. This is completely wrong, because parents have far more experience than their children and always look out good for their kids. It should be fine to take decisions on their own once the child matures. However, in the movie The Little Mermaid, Ariel clearly was not mature enough and made bad choices. None of this would have happened if she obeyed her father when she was young. This way the theme of the movie would have actually influence teenagers to obey their parents and not make senseless decisions in life.


The Legend of Korra is an American animated series which is a sequel to the series Avatar: The Last Air Bender. The series portrays fictional characters where some are able to bend or manipulate the elements of nature (water, air, fire and earth). Only the character ‘Avatar’ has the ability to bend all four elements  whereas the ones who are able to bend can only bend one of the element. The main goal of  the ‘Avatar’ is to master all four elements in order to maintain balance in society.

The Legend of Korra, showed true colors of animation with high definition contrast and amazing color ratios. The animation seemed very pleasing to the eyes as compared to Avatar: The Last Air Bender. As far as the story goes the writes did a remarkable job with building character detail and in depth interactions of each and every character among each other.  Avatar: The Last Air Bender involves a great story with an amazing theme and is mostly suitable for all kinds of audiences. However, The Legend of Korra’s story deals with characters which are suitable for more mature audiences.

The Legend of Korra season 1, did have an amazing story line as compared Avatar: The Last Air Bender. However, The Legend of Korra season 2 did not have a very pleasing plot and was extremely disappointing. The problem with this season was that the writers focused more on the romance between the characters than the actual plot itself. This made the show seemed too mainstream and extremely boring.  Therefore Avatar: The Last Air Bender is overall a better show than The Legend of Korra.

blog post 5: Nichijou

Posted: February 26, 2014 in Uncategorized


Nichijou is a Japanese comedy animated series. This show focuses on a group of high school students who face bizarre random moments in their lives. The whole premise of the show is ironic because Nichijou translated into English means “everyday life”. But as one watches the show he realizes that it’s a paradox because nothing that happens in the show is ordinary.

One of the paradoxes involves an eight year old child who builds a robot which takes care of her Imageand acts like an adult. Another contradiction is that the robot acts like a real person and wants to fit in with the other real students at the school. The eight year old also know as ‘professor’ makes a scarf for a cat which enables the cat to talk like an old wizard.

Though Nichijou is a comedy, it still portrays  the seriousness of the lives of high school students. The students always work hard in school and the ones who don’t finish their homework go through hardcore means to finish their homework on time. The means are so hardcore that they are portrayed in an over the top manner, such as yelling in the middle of class to ask to borrow homework from the nerdy ones.

Some animated comedies are just meant to make people laugh, and they will go to any means to do that. Nichijou, however, is a comedy with depth. The humor is drawn out by all of the ironies and paradoxes that are woven into the story. 😀