Blog post 10: Transformers: Armada

Posted: April 11, 2014 in Uncategorized


Transformers: Armada is an American/Japanese mix animated series which was showed around 2002-2003. This show talks about two groups of transformers named Autobots and Decepticons from the planet Cybertron. On this planet a war takes place between Autobots and Decepticons, where Decepticons try to seize power of mini-cons (small robots that enhances the power of a transformer when attached). The goal of autobots is to take care of mini-cons and protect them. During this process the mini-cons are sent to the planet earth for their safety, so the Decepticons  go after them to the planet earth, and Autobots are forced to follow them and fight them. But now the Autobots’ goal is to not only protect the mini-cons but to also protect the humans. Of the animated series I’ve watched, the Transformers: Armada is the only show that has inspired me to be sincere with my work.

 The character of Autobots have always been sincere with their work, they have always fought the evil and always protected the ones who are innocent. They were able to understand the nature of the humans and mini-cons and realized that they were meant to be saved and protected. This characteristic of Autobots inspires me to be more like them, and every day I strive to help the human mankind and protect the animals as much as possible.

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