Blog Post #11: Beyblade

Posted: April 30, 2014 in Uncategorized




Beyblade is a Japanese Manga animated series in which people battle their special high spinning tops against each other. Some of these tops posses sacred beasts which enhances the Beyblade’s power. The show usually focuses on a blading team consisting of four members who strive to become world champions. However, the main focus is towards their difficulties and hardships they face before the world championship tournament. Of the animated shows I’ve seen, Beyblade is the only anime that I’ve watched that I could relate to. I specifically could relate to the character Kai and the way he faced different circumstances in his life.

Kai is a very strong, powerful blader and his goals are fixed. He has tremendous potential and good discipline. However there was a period of time when he possessed the strongest Beyblade along with the sacred beast, which made him arrogant and prideful. Though he had those qualities, his friends encouraged him to become a better person and helped him overcome his pride and arrogance. In the same way as Kai I’ve had fixed goals and have been very arrogant in my life, but I’ve have wonderful friends who have helped me overcome this situation. They have always been on my side and made me into a better person. After seeing Kai as a character I’ve realized that these characteristics are normal and one who possesses these characteristics needs help, and I will always be there to help them.

  1. mangafan625 says:

    That is something that I really love about anime. It’s always interesting to be able to connect with the characters on a personal level and it also gets more attached to the show itself. You want to know what will happen next.

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