Archive for May, 2014


From the Marvel superhero comics, X-men Evolution is an american animated series which portrayed amazing graphics and animation theme. Each character has amazing detail in the story line as well as in animation. The main plot of the series is that the mutants who have other natural abilities than the rest of the humans are hated by the humans. The mutants are split into various groups, some seek salvation and cure, some wish to work towards having peace among the humans and mutants, and some believe that all humans should die and work towards killing the rest of the humans. Of the animated series I’ve watched X-men Evolution is the only animated series that has challenged me to not judge others by the way they appear or the things they do. 

Many humans in this series judge all the mutants the same way based on some of the things certain mutants did in a negative way. Some mutants often created chaos and this lead other humans to believe that all mutants created chaos. Mutants were often treated badly even the nice ones, and there came a time with the humans wanted to exterminate all the mutants. By watching this series I realized that I have been generalizing and judging a lot of people by their looks and their nature. It was very wrong of me to do that. Which is why in my heart I was convinced to change and become a better person and not judging others. 

Post #12: What Have I Learned From This Class?

Blog Post 11(Revised for Final): History as Animation – Schoolhouse Rock

#6 The Rise of Interactive Animation

Post #12: Eight Crazy Reasons This Animated Holiday Film is the Worst

Post 6: Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Mid-Term Post(Post 1.2)

#5 – Economics of animation

#5 – Economics of animation

Blog Post 11(Revised for Final): History as Animation – Schoolhouse Rock

Blog Post #10: Quest for Camelot

Blog Post 9: The Downside of Increased Access

Blog Post 12: History as Animation – The History of Music

9. Will Anything Beat The Nightmare Before Christmas?

[MIDTERM]Post #6 REVISED: Disney Sequels. Necessary or Unnecessary?

I finally saw Frozen

Random blog post — Disney scruff?


Blog Post #5: Working Towards the Pride Leader

Post #3: Fullmetal Philosophy