Blog post 3: The Spectacular Spider-Man

Posted: February 12, 2014 in Uncategorized


The Spectacular Spider-Man animated series is the latest remake of the original Spider-Man animated series. Based on the superhero character published by marvel, Spider-Man is definitely one of the most popular figures of all time. The story talks about a high-school teenager named Peter Parker, who looses his uncle and lives with his aunt. His life takes a serious shift when he gets bit by a genetically mutated spider at a research lab. ImageDuring this process the spider’s DNA combines with Peter’s DNA helping him attain supernatural abilities. He puts these abilities to good use and becomes a masked vigilante, to help  the neighborhood stay safe and secure. The Spectacular Spider-Man series teaches one to prioritize his duties at any given situation. A parent’s duty is to raise their children with proper moral support, a teacher’s duty is to teach her students, a soldier’s duty is to fight for his country during a war, and in the same manner a superhero’s duty is to protect his neighborhood and put the villain in his right place. This animated series proved that Spider-Man never failed to carry out his duty.

ImagePeter Parker has always been a brilliant student. He could have focused only towards his school work, or he could have also dated a girl and led a normal happy life, however he decided to stand by his moral duties and save his neighborhood no matter what. Whether a bank is being robbed, whether a building is on fire or whether a crowd of people are in major trouble, Spider-Man is always present to save the day, because that’s his job.

  1. luckybrendan says:

    YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! duude i LOVE this pix mang!! yo this is SUCH an awesome blog post. its got errors for sure, but it speaks truth.

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