Blog Post 9: Samurai Jack

Posted: April 2, 2014 in Uncategorized




Samurai Jack created by Genndy Tartakovsky was one of the most popular american animated series shown on cartoon network. This show talks about a samurai warrior named ‘Jack’ who gets sent to the future by an evil force named ‘Aku’. Aku was a demonic wizard who was trying to take over a kingdom. During this time period Samurai Jack almost defeats Aku however, before Jack is able to do that, Aku casts a spell and sends him to the future. Now Jack’s main goal is to return back to past and restore his kingdom. Of the animated cartoons I have watched in cartoon network, Samurai Jack is the most disciplined of all because he is the only character that has challenged me to never loose my patience and maintain my discipline.

In order to be a good samurai one has to go through vigorous training. Samurai Jack being highly patient and determined to become a great samurai, manages to achieve his goals by never loosing faith in himself and humanity. He always fights evil and always helps others. No matter how frustrated times can be, he never looses his temper when it comes to helping others. This character of his inspires me because, there are times when I get frustrated and I don’t help my friends when they need me. However, after watching this show I try to be more like Samurai Jack because, doing so I not only help a lot of my friends, but I also develop a lot of patience and maintain a good discipline. 

  1. mangafan625 says:

    Samuari Jack surprised me with the tremendous amount of patience that he had. I mean, if that happened to me I would be increasingly irritated and frustrated. He is a very good influence in that aspect and the fact that he is determined to save his kingdom no matter what. The show continued to prove to me just how much he would go through to get back home.

  2. kylesteve89 says:

    I remember watching this show growing up. It was a fantastic show, and the animation closely resembled the animation in Gendy Tartakovsky’s other works, “Dexter’s Laboratory” and “Star Wars: The Clone Wars.” Samurai Jack is a tragic case, since the series was never really finished. It kept going and going and then it just suddenly stopped. I don’t know what happened, but sources say it was cancelled, and season 4 was the last season. To this day, the series is left unresolved, which is a shame, because it was a great series. I just wish they would bring it back and have the series reach its’ true conclusion, but it doesn’t look like that will happen.

  3. jclarke26 says:

    I have watched all of Samurai Jack on netflix and I really did enjoy it. The dark tone it portrayed of a lonely man who was banished. The overall show was fantastic and the animation done is really good. I love how on some episodes (since being on cartoon network) The blood is black when he cuts through someone I thought that was extremely clever.

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