Blog post 4: Naruto

Posted: February 19, 2014 in Uncategorized


Naruto is a Japanese manga animated series. This series talks about a boy who has a wide vision of becoming the greatest ‘Hokage’, meaning a person who is the greatest leader and the best ninja at the village. Naruto grew up without parents and faced series of challenges throughout his life, yet he never gets distracted from his goals and stays focused towards his ambitions. Naruto as a character inspires me to never give up on my dreams, goals and ambitions. Just watching Naruto everyday makes me want to be more and more like him.

In this animated series, people make fun of Naruto, they laugh at his dreams, and they think he is a crazy nut head. Despite of having so many people against him, Naruto never turns his back on his village and fights as a true ninja warrior to protect his village. No matter how many times his opponents beat him down in various battles, he never gives up. He is always back on his feet and is ready to fight more. Looking at Naruto’s character I’ve realized that I should never give up on life. Even if I fail my exams or I fail to carry out my duties, I’ve decided not to give up and continue to do my work in the best way possible.


The Spectacular Spider-Man animated series is the latest remake of the original Spider-Man animated series. Based on the superhero character published by marvel, Spider-Man is definitely one of the most popular figures of all time. The story talks about a high-school teenager named Peter Parker, who looses his uncle and lives with his aunt. His life takes a serious shift when he gets bit by a genetically mutated spider at a research lab. ImageDuring this process the spider’s DNA combines with Peter’s DNA helping him attain supernatural abilities. He puts these abilities to good use and becomes a masked vigilante, to help  the neighborhood stay safe and secure. The Spectacular Spider-Man series teaches one to prioritize his duties at any given situation. A parent’s duty is to raise their children with proper moral support, a teacher’s duty is to teach her students, a soldier’s duty is to fight for his country during a war, and in the same manner a superhero’s duty is to protect his neighborhood and put the villain in his right place. This animated series proved that Spider-Man never failed to carry out his duty.

ImagePeter Parker has always been a brilliant student. He could have focused only towards his school work, or he could have also dated a girl and led a normal happy life, however he decided to stand by his moral duties and save his neighborhood no matter what. Whether a bank is being robbed, whether a building is on fire or whether a crowd of people are in major trouble, Spider-Man is always present to save the day, because that’s his job.


Violence has always played a huge role in the animation industry. Violence has been portrayed in the forms of humor, horror, and relief. Audiences usually feel relieved after watching a violent scene where the hero puts the villain in his right place. Different types of violence in animation has been suited for different kinds of audiences.

Kids love to watch Popeye The Sailor Man, where Popeye beats up Bluto and saves Olive. ImageThe violent fights between Popeye and Bluto after Popeye eats spinach have inspired many children to eat spinach and fight for women in any circumstance. This show would have been useless and boring if it wasn’t for the short violent scenes between the two characters.

ImageOther great shows include violence in different ways. In the animated show The Road Runner Show, Wile E. Coyote attempts numerous violent ways to capture the Road Runner using dynamite, guns, cannons etc. Tom and Jerry also have an infinite amount of violent scenes where the two characters use various means to fight, trap, or escape each other. This is what makes the show highly entertaining and humorous.

Violence in animated shows has always played different roles in different scenarios. Animated shows rated for mature audience involves more gruesome violent scenes, whereas animated shows for kids involve violent scenes that are either humorous or un-alarming. This is why violence in some of the animated shows enhances the entertainment for the viewers.


Full Metal Alchemist is a Japanese anime that explores the ideas of alchemy,transmutation, seven deadliest sins of humans, and powers that humans posses versus the power that god posses through the story of two brothers. What makes this story line unique is its powerful depiction of  human struggle and internal conflict as well as constant moral dilemmas. Of the Japanese animes I’ve seen, Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhod  is the most unique because it’s the only show I’ve watched that has challenged me to not be arrogant. I was challenged specifically by the way the writers depicted the sin of ‘pride’ as a character.

The character Pride is an embodiment of the human characteristic pride; his arrogance involves him to think that he is the best in any given scenario, especially during a battle. This sin makes the character seem extremely childish when things don’t go according to his plan. This extreme negativity  flew inside my blood because I’ve always been arrogant about my mathematics skills. Seeing this character embody pride in the show made me consider this characteristic in my own life. After seeing the negative effects of Pride, it made me realize that arrogance only eats one from the inside and only leads to a sorrowful consequence.